
Thursday, 26 June 2014

Project Life ....

I never thought I would be hooked by Project Life, you can achieve such a lot in a very short time. I must have a thousands photographs, my own, my husbands and his families photo's. I started scrapbooking ten years ago and have never stopped, it is my first love when it comes to crafting and I am passionate about it, but I can appreciate It’s pretty daunting to start to think about scrapbooking all your back catalogue of photo's. I love the whole process of scrapbooking and the textures and layering of layouts, to tell me to stop scrapbooking would be like telling you to stop cardmaking because you can buy cards cheaper in the shops!

    I keep my scrapbook pages chronologically, but I don’t scrapbook in a chronological order, it would be too boring and restrictive for me. One day I might be scrapping a baby photo of Robyn and the next I might be scrapping a holiday we went on last month. The photo’s I have used for project life are from a trip to Australia 9 years ago. Honestly until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn’t scrapbooked or recorded one memory from that trip. Now 80% of the trip has been recorded and I did it in about 4 hours with Project Life. I have still made 12x12 scrapbook layouts of my favourite photo's but the rest, left over photo's from the event or holiday, i now "Project Life" them and add them into my scrapbooks along side the 12x12 layouts. With the fun cards and embellishments you can add to project life, and of course some journalling, you can make some really interesting scrapbooks :)

    Thursday, 19 June 2014

    Kitchen Scrapbooking ....

    Tuesday night was very exciting, Craig was watching the world cup and I unwrapped my little box of goodies that is Project Life. I didn't intend this post to be about PL (Project Life) but I wanted to explain that I had pulled out this huge carrier bag of photo's and memorabilia from our trip to Australia in 2005. I'll go back to PL in my next post but today after doing chores, I rummaged through said "Bag" of brochures, leaflets and tickets and decided to slap a scrapbook page together. I must have popped some papers in the bag over the years thinking "they will look nice with the Oz photo's" and getting no further. As I was pushed for time, I didn't want to go and get settled in my craft room, so I improvised and ended up distressing my papers with a nail, a cork mat, some blunt scissors and by running it under the tap to dampen it LOL .......

    Thursday, 12 June 2014

    Project Life ....

    Get ready for a scrapbooking revolution with Project Life! It helps busy people (so basically all of us) document life using photos and journaling in a quick, simple, and fabulous way. We’ve partnered with Becky Higgins, creator of Project Life, to offer a complete line of elite products.
    Becky explains, “It's called Project LIFE because it's about YOUR LIFE. Whatever your life is. Whatever your stage of life. Whatever your family circumstances. Whatever your lifestyle. Project Life is designed to help anyone and everyone get their pictures into a book.”  In a nutshell, it’s all about spending more time making memories and less time scrapbooking them.