
Saturday, 25 June 2016

Visitors ....

"Oh What Fun We Had" ...  it was wonderful to have my old school friend of over 30 years here to visit us last week. We had a fab time, introduced her husband to a few English traditions and they all got to attend one of my (well known) "cocktail parties".  I climbed the Cow & Calf Rocks at Ilkley for the first time, I normally sit in the car park, look at the view and eat an ice cream ! They visited Stone Henge, London, Bath, Scarborough, York and Liverpool during their visit, and we had a school reunion! Their crazy trip has now moved on to the USA, but here are a few of my favourite photo's.

Lets not forget a certain Football tournament !

Monday, 20 June 2016

Swirly Scribbles Dies ....

Hi there, I have been very remise at blogging recently as I have been preparing, and have had visitors from overseas. This has been wonderful and more on that later, but just to get back to crafting. It was my uplines quarterly all day team training event this weekend, and as usual (and what a great way to collect some samples) we made team swaps. The first thing I ordered from the new catalogue was these gorgeous dies. I wasn't sure about the coordinating stamp set "Swirly Bird" but of course I am now falling for it and may have to add it to my next order :).  However, you can make loads of great cards with the dies, and the colour combo's are endless. I hope you enjoy them, on Wednesday I am crafting with a friend, we are having a Disney day, but I have seen the Swirly Scribbles dies used to make fabulous Micky Ears, so watch this space :)
Team Swaps

Samples I made pre new catalogue launch (Inspired by Pinterest)

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Finnabair ....

I was super excited on Friday to have the opportunity to attend a Finnabair class. I have been wanting to go for some time now, but haven't wanted to travel, which with a night away would have made the  class into an expensive weekend. So I was very happy to hear that Anna, would be local, and jumped at the chance to attend her new "Tangled" class. Finnabair (real name Anna Dabrowska) is a mixed media artist, who teaches all over the world and has such a following, she's a lovely lady and an extremely talented teacher, here's my attempt at her class .....

See Finnabare's work on Pinterest or here on her blog

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

New Annual Catalogue Launched ....

It's here - the brand new Annual Stampin' Up! Catalogue for 2016-2017. You can view a digital copy by clicking on the link in the right hand column :) 

As well as a fantastic new catalogue we also have 2 amazing promotions this month. The first is a great offer for extra Stamping Rewards for orders over £250. These can be orders with me, or achieved by hosting a party / workshop in June. As you can see from the table below, orders over £250 will receive an extra £25 in Stamping Rewards. Brilliant!

Love You Lots ....

Loving this little stamp set, it is actually a hostess set,

meaning that you would need to hold a class or workshop and earn some hostess rewards, to enable you to buy it :( Sorry if that is disappointing but you could view it as a challenge and host your own party, especially while the catalogue is brand new, and everyone will be clamouring to    get their hands on all the new goodies available from 3rd June. :)