
Friday, 7 June 2013

New Products ....

Well I'm sure if your a Stampin' Up fan you will be well aware that we are building up to the new catalogue launch. It goes live to the public from 1st July and I got my hands on a copy this week. I was able to pre order a few things last week, and will try to get some samples on here asap so that you can see some of the lovely stuff that could be yours in the not too distant future ;) What I have been surprisingly impressed with is a new clay moulding product, you buy the moulds (set of 2 buttons and flowers) and then a packet of white clay, it is so easy to use and the beauty of it is there are a number of ways to colour it to coordinate beautifully with all of your other SU products. It is totally Fab and if you like to add resin, plastic or any other flowers to your projects, you are gonna love this, here is a Youtube link as of course they already have it in America but by watching this I am sure you will have loads of ideas on what to do with your clay when it arrives :)

I am doing an offer on orders of £50 from the new catalogue, free postage and a free gift ......... and I will post a link to the new catalogue as soon as we are allowed :)

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