Wednesday 22 August 2018

Animal Expedition ....

Just time for a little bit of scrapping today and finally had time to use these gorgeous designer papers Animal Expedition. I've seen some gorgeous cards made from these papers, take a look on Pinterest if this is where you normally look for inspiration. Enjoy ....

Saturday 11 August 2018

Developing Our Skills ....

I've recently been updating the Scrapstars website, ready to announce next years retreat, but already a few ladies have beaten me to the punch and made their bookings. It was lovely to receive an email from a new delegate, what she said really rang true with me so i thought I would share it.
"I heard about your retreat from some of my co crafters at a local group I attend, the rest of the group were so impressed with the generosity of the kits and the exciting projects they came back with this year (and very jealous !) What struck me was the way they have been more adventurous with their projects and designs, breaking away from their usual style of working since attending. And still, even now, producing even more beautiful pages with the left overs from the kits they were given at your retreat".   
Its the last part that struck me as being so true (and it was nice to hear the rest) but we do have a tendency to stick to what we know, our own little comfort zone. That's one of the main reasons that i still attend classes and retreats, to further develop my skills and learn something new or just try something "outside the box" that otherwise I may not have. Happy crafting.